Saturday, March 24, 2012


Yep, a very strange title indeed.  But, it best describes this week/weekend for us.  :-)

I celebrated my 44th birthday on Thursday.  Had a really nice day, although not all exactly as I had thought or planned it to be.  Had a morning of chasing loose cattle around, getting them onto my property to keep them safe, and then doing fence repairs all morning...not part of the daily plan!!!  Now, we have not only our own two beef cows, but also four more of my neighbors cows, which have managed to escape his property!  Good times..... but hey, that's what good neighbors are for, right?!?!?!?!

Next, Sierra had her first of two dance recitals yesterday evening!!!  She has been taking jazz dance class for months now, and has worked hard for this moment.  I was at work yesterday, so missed the first performance last evening....however, I hear that it went extremely well, and that my girl performed most wonderfully!!!  Today is the final performance, and I am looking forward to watching Sierra dance her heart out for me, and for all who have come to see her!!!

The attention getter of the title... Jail... well, that is the most wonderful news that I received yesterday afternoon from the detective working on our case against Greg Bass, the horrific and most despicable pedophile that we personally know...... that yesterday Greg was arrested and booked into jail!!!!  Three felony counts against him...and with a past history already of being a level 1 sex offender...... he will be heading to prison, most likely for a long time.  This has brought some great relief to me, personally, and is helping to bring closure to a most horrible past three weeks for my family.

I do not expect anyone else to be able to understand, or empathize or sympathize with how we have been affected, or with what we are feeling..... and I would NEVER wish it upon anyone I care about at all..... but trust me, even as a Christian, a person of faith..... I am convinced that prison is exactly where this monster needs to be... at least for a period of time. 

So, since Thursday was crazy busy, with my birthday, loose cattle, fences to be repaired, a bike ride I really wanted and needed, Sierra having final dance recital rehearsal, Evan having his first baseball practice for the season....well, we just didn't get to do my birthday dinner the way we wanted.  So......

We are going to attend Sierra's dance recital this afternoon at 3pm, and then we are heading to Kyoto's Steakhouse for my official birthday dinner!!!  YUMMY!!!!!  :-)

So, there is the quick down and dirty update on where we are at now.....

Grammy and Papa and Aunt Janice are all here visiting with us, so the craziness is absolute, for real and legit!!!  :-)

That's it for now.......

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that there's still plenty of light peeking through the darkness at this time.

    Rehabilitation should always be the first goal for those that are imprisoned but when they make the choice not to change they do need to remain in prison. I'm glad that you now have greater peace of mind and that Greg can't hurt any more lives.
